Genealogy of Jesus

Following are our pastor notes that correspond to the worship series art pack entitled “Genealogy of Jesus.”

From the time of Adam and Eve, God’s people had been waiting for a Savior, a rescuer, someone who would set them free from the curse of sin and death. Throughout the Bible, the promise becomes clearer. He would be born of a woman, a true human. He would be the offspring of Abraham. He would be connected to the royal line of Judah, the greater son of King David. When Jesus was born, he fulfilled all of the prophecies. Our true God came to earth, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. This series will explore the family tree of our Savior. His lineage is full of unexpected relatives and messy situations. And yet, God used these people to keep his promise to send his Son. Join us as we follow the family tree of the Savior. The Genealogy of Jesus.

This could be used for a variety of three week Advent midweek series. The series would highlight people in the family tree of Jesus and culminate in the birth of the Savior.  Here are some examples of how it could be structured. 

The Patriarchs

  • Abraham

  • Isaac

  • Jacob

Time of the Kings

  • David

  • Solomon

  • Josiah

The Son of David

  • Boaz

  • David

  • Solomon

Early Ancestors

  • Adam

  • Enoch

  • Noah

The Family of Jesus

  • The Second Person of the Trinity.

    • Scripture ideas - Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, John 8:56-58

  • The Incarnate Son of Mary (conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. A true human born of a family tree through the promise)

    • Scripture ideas. You could use parts of the genealogies from Matthew 1 or Luke 3. Luke 1:26-38

  • Our Brother (Jesus was born, connected by blood to the family of Abraham. We are now all children of Abraham too by faith)

    • Scripture ideas - Galatians 3:7-9; 26-29

An Advent Worship Series. Or a Pentecost to Christmas Worship Series. 

Really, you could pick any variety of people from the Genealogy of Jesus and focus the series on how God’s people had been waiting for the coming of the promised Savior. Christmas proves that God kept his promise. 

You could also use this as a summer series that starts with Adam, Abraham, or even David. The series could run all the way through the season of Pentecost and through Advent, culminating with the birth of Jesus. This would be a non-lectionary-based series to help teach the congregation the storyline of the Bible and the promise of the Savior.

-Pastor Marques Nelson


The Truth about Christmas


Exiles Advent Midweek Series