Corissa Nelson
Corissa Nelson, M.Arch
Hi, I'm Corissa. I am a freelance artist, illustrator, and graphic designer. A lot of my work happens around the areas where design intersects with ministry. I wandered over to digital art from architecture. Both areas bring together design and technology. I have enjoyed the challenge of working for some fantastic architecture firms, and I also really loved teaching an upper level architecture design studio as an adjunct professor. Now, I am running my own small business and especially enjoy collecting ideas and working with my clients.
Many of my client projects have been for non-profits, small businesses, ministries, and WELS churches. Take a look at some of those client projects here.
Master of Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Historic Preservation Certificate, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
My Strengths Finder Top 5:
Learner - Strategic - Maximizer - Intellection - Ideation
Volunteer & Community Involvement
Hearts & Hands - Board of Directors - Communications Director
Mankato CityArt Committee
Pastor Marques Nelson
Pastor Marques Nelson
Marques is my in-house reviewer, editor, teacher, and curator of our quickly growing book collection. He is also my husband, best friend, and pastor. He is called to serve as pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in North Mankato, MN and The Beacon Lutheran Campus Ministry at the MSU campus.
Master of Divinity, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN
Pastor Will and Lauren Dunn
The Dunns make it possible for me to offer bilingual art packs. They translate and review the Spanish language materials that go into worship art packs. I very much appreciate their contribution and ideas.
You can learn more about their ministry at St. Peter/San Pedro at

This work by Corissa Nelson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at