The Truth about Christmas

What do we really know about Christmas? Was Jesus really born in December as snow fell near a decorated pine tree? Did Mary ride on a donkey on her way to Bethlehem? Was Jesus born in a barn? Did baby Jesus cry as the cattle were mooing nearby? Did three wise men riding camels show up shortly after the shepherds to worship the newborn king?

There are some details about the nativity that aren’t actually in the Bible, but we have added them to the story because of Christmas carols, nativity decorations, and children’s picture books. Can we really know what happened, where it happened, when Christmas happened? Is the birth of Jesus just a fabricated myth or a story? No way! Our Savior was born. It was a real historical event that happened to real people in an actual place. God has given us everything we need to know about the birth of the promised Savior. 

Join us this Advent as we separate the facts from the traditions and look carefully at “The Truth About Christmas.”

The Truth About Christmas. Pastor Notes by Marques Nelson:

  • Week 1 - When was the Savior Born?

  • Week 2 - Where was the Savior Born?

  • Week 3 - Why was the Savior Born?

When was the Savior Born?

  • Suggested Scripture Lessons

    • Luke 1:1-4

      • Other verses that give information about the time Jesus was born: Luke 1:5; Luke 2:1-2; Luke 3:1-3, Luke 3:23

    • Galatians 4:4-5

  • Embellishments

    • Winter?

    • 0 AD?

    • Mythical event outside of historical time?

  • Facts

    • Share what we do know about the time of the birth of the Savior based on the historical record, especially that Luke gives us

    • This is not how mythologies start (Luke 1:1-4). Real eyewitnesses. Real historical figures. Jesus is placed in a real historical time. 

    • Share the things that made this time so good for the Savior to be born (unified language, roads, government)

    • Especially important. When the time had fully come, God sent his Son. God moved all things so that the time, this real historic time, would be just right

  • Children’s message idea

    • A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away? Just a story or fairy tale? No, real people saw and knew Jesus. Luke wrote about it. We believe it!

  • Connection to the lectionary readings for the Sundays of Advent Year B

    • On Advent 2, the suggested Gospel lesson is Luke 3:1-6. Be aware of that if you reference Luke 1:1-3.

Why was the Savior Born?

  • Suggested Scripture Lessons

    • Matthew 1:20-23 (or 18-25) - The angel announces Jesus’ birth to Joseph.

    • 1 John 3:8b

  • Embellishments

    • He is just another baby

    • He is a good teacher

    • He is a man who will live his own good life so we can too

    • This is just a holiday where we give gifts or celebrate our family (secular Christmas)

  • Facts

    • Jesus was sent to save us from our sins

    • He appeared to destroy the devil’s work (the promised champion from Genesis 3:15)

    • This is God with us, true God, conceived by the Holy Spirit

  • Children’s message ideas

    • What is in a name? Do you know what your name means? Jesus means “the Lord saves.” He’s not just another baby.

  • Connection to the lectionary readings for the Sundays of Advent Year B

    • On Advent 4, Mary will be in-focus. Tonight we’ll hear about Joseph learning about the Savior who is coming into the world.

Where was the Savior born? 

  • Suggested Scripture Lessons

    • Micah 5:2-5a

    • Luke 2:1-7

  • Embellishments to use for illustrations

    • Did Mary ride on a donkey?

    • Was there an inn?

    • Was Jesus born in a barn?

  • Facts

    • Jesus was born in Bethlehem

      • Prophesied in Micah

      • Son of David - he is of the legal line and bloodline of King David

      • Herod would send soldiers to Bethlehem to find him

    • Placed in a manger. This was a place with animals

  • Children’s message idea

    • Stuffed animals like donkeys or cows, a nativity scene. What do we know for sure?

  • Connection to the lectionary readings for the Sundays of Advent Year B

    • On Advent 4, the Old Testament lesson is Micah 5:2-5a. If you are using this Scripture lesson for the midweek service, plan to preach on the Gospel or Epistle lesson on Sunday. 

Bonus notes about expanding the series. You could expand this series to include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and even Epiphany. Here are some ideas about how you could use “Christmas myths/ embellishments” as segues to share the truth about Christmas.

Christmas Eve. Luke 2:1-20

  • Embellishments

    • Angels singing in a choir? 

    • No crying he makes? Silent Night?

    • Animals at the manger?

  • Truth - Share the events that did happen at the birth of the Savior. 

Christmas Day. John 1:1-18

  • Embellishments

    • Jesus was in the world, but the world didn’t recognize him. What were they looking for? Why didn’t they see the truth? If Jesus is just a man or only divine but not true man, he can’t save us. Thankfully, Jesus is 100% God and 100% human!

  • Truth - Jesus is true man and true God. 

Epiphany. Matthew 2:1-12

  • Embellishments

    • The wise men were at a stable? 

    • Camels? 3 wise men? When?

  • Truth - What we do know… The Light of the World is revealed to the Gentiles and to us

-Pastor Marques Nelson


Genealogy of Jesus