Luke: Teachings of Jesus Series

This summer, we’ll gather to sit at the feet of our Savior as he teaches his disciples to live and thrive in a world he has taken back. From Advent through Easter, churches often focus on the life of Jesus. During the season of Pentecost in the summer and fall, we especially consider the teachings of Jesus. This year we plan to work our way through the Gospel of Luke where we will find Jesus teaching about his power, his mission focus, and the cost of following him. Jesus encourages us to love the outsider, to reprioritize our lives, and to focus on the most important things. He teaches his disciples how to pray, what kind of an attitude to have about money, and how to be a positive influence in a broken world. We’ll never lose sight of what Jesus did for us at the cross and the empty tomb, but this summer we’ll also see how to apply his teaching to our lives as we share good news with others. Join us this summer as we study the Teachings of Jesus in the book of Luke.

- Pastor Marques Nelson

The art for this series is practical and usable any time you choose to preach on the Gospel of Luke. You can buy the art here.

Luke: Teaching of Jesus

Proper 3-6 not used in 2022

Proper 3 Luke 6:39-49

Proper 4 Luke 7:1-10

Proper 5 Luke 7:11-17

Proper 6 Luke 7:36-50

Proper 7 Luke 8:26-39

Proper 8 Luke 9:51-62

Proper 9 Luke 10:1-12, 16-20

Proper 10 Luke 10:25-37

Proper 11 Luke 10:38-42

Proper 12 Luke 11:1-13

Proper 13 Luke 12:13-21

Proper 14 Luke 12:22-34

Proper 15 Luke 12:49-53

Proper 16 Luke 13:22-30

Proper 17 Luke 14:1, 7-14

Proper 18 Luke 14:25-35


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