Secret Garden Finds

In the back of our crazy Colorado yard is an overgrown garden with a rickety old fence that's falling down. We call it our secret garden because it holds so many funny secrets. Mostly we find treasures and a couple of oddities. I've found some beautiful large terra cotta planters. We have some crazy old benches that no one is brave enough to sit on. Someone started building a fountain and the parts and pieces are scattered around. We built a fire pit out of the flagstone and rocks, surrounding it with log seats.

Today, I harvested some mint. It looks like a good bunch, too. Maybe chocolate mint? Very fragrant. Thanks, secret garden! I can't wait to get it propagated and filling up a few flower pots close to the house. We use it to keep away mosquito (or at least we did in Wisconsin, not so many of those in Colorado.) It also makes for some really yummy mint lemonade.

mint in a mason jar

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Holy Hen House Blogging Adventure