Kids' Creation Artwork for DIY Feltboards or Magnets
I've just released a new version of my Creation artwork for home devotions with kids. I've really enjoyed watching my kids share what they've learned and show me a fresh perspective through their eyes. Their favorite piece is the baby Jesus from the Christmas set. I don't think I'll ever forget my daughter telling me, "The wisemen can give Jesus gifts, but not until after he wakes up from nap."
The artwork comes as a pdf file for printing on a home computer. You can print the file as many times as you'd like. My set is made into laminated magnets. I printed on regular paper, glued to colorful construction paper, laminated with cold laminating pouches, and attached sticky-back magnets. Cookie sheets work well as magnetic boards to go with. The pieces can also be made into feltboard characters, or used for a cut-and-glue project. Get the artwork here.